Welcome to The Academy of Functional Health. Where we offer

Innovative Solutions for Reversing Pain and Disease!

Challenging the status quo of traditional medicine to provide outcome-focused alternative medicine for complex health problems that combines data, technology and nutrition.

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How We Get To the Root Cause of Disease?

  • Unmasking the Healing Power of Functional Medicine: A Journey to the Root Cause

  • Have you felt conventional medicine treatments are just scratching the surface?

  • Do you know something is wrong with your health, despite your labs coming back all "normal"?

  • Have you gotten tired of taking pills or concerned for possible side effects?

  • Enter the realm of Functional Medicine, the superhero of healing that goes beyond symptom management, aiming for the roots of your health concerns.

No Symptom-Based Band-Aid Solutions:

In the world of conventional medicine, symptoms often take center stage. Got a headache? Here's a painkiller. Stomachache? Antacids to the rescue! But Functional Medicine, my friend, takes a different approach. It's like playing detective, seeking the underlying imbalances causing those symptoms.

Root Cause of Disease:

All disease starts with inflammation. So why not start by getting rid of the inflammation in your body? One major source of inflammation for many clients in their gut. (Even without symptoms.) Getting to the root cause of that inflammation is key to reversing even complex diseases. For example, in Functional Medicine, we run advanced labs that look at the specific strands in your microbiome and correct that naturally so your body can start to heal. Another axis that we look at is the affect of stress on your body of advanced testing in nutritional deficiencies.

Peeling Back the Layers:

Functional Medicine digs deep into your lifestyle, genetics, environment, and more. It's not just about treating symptoms; it's about understanding the interconnected web of factors influencing your health.

A Personalized Prescription for Wellness:

While conventional medicine often follows a one-size-fits-all model, Functional Medicine crafts a personalized plan tailored to your unique biology. It's like having a health strategy designed just for you, addressing the root cause rather than masking the symptoms.

Nutrition & Natural Intervention as Medicine:

In Functional Medicine, food isn't just fuel; it's medicine. Nutrient-dense diets are prescribed to nourish your body and address deficiencies, promoting healing from within. It's a holistic culinary journey toward optimal health. However, this is NOT just a diet plan, it's just an important part of the puzzle.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work:

Functional Medicine practitioners act as partners in your health journey, not the controller in your health. They spend time understanding your story, listening to your concerns, and working collaboratively to guide you toward wellness. It's not about quick fixes; it's about sustainable, long-term health.

Beyond the Pill Paradigm:

Functional Medicine often explores alternative therapies and lifestyle changes alongside traditional treatments. It's a dynamic approach that embraces the best of both worlds, giving you a comprehensive toolkit for healing. 🌿🩺💚

Meet Some of Our Providers

John Eden

Steve Estro

Eden Steve

Our Philosophy on Healthcare:

We are concerned less with what we call the disease or dysfunction and more about the dynamic processes that caused it in the first place. We are not interested in medications that mask symptoms, but reverse the underlying disease process that is present. Every provider with our team is trained in our proprietary frame work and has a patient centered heart. You won't ever fell like you are left in the dark, because we are a team who cares about your results!




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